Wednesday, 17 November 2010

~Super Junior- Bonamana

~Demam Lagu2 Korea~~

memg ak ngah demam la ni an....
nie sume sbb lagu2 korea...lau nk tau kat bwah nie..
gmbr2 kmplan korea yg ak minat sangat2...
sbab dorg nie besh sngt2....
nie kumplan Super Junior....
ermmmm..rmai kan ahli kmplan dorg nie...
walaupn rmai dorg tetp best..
tme dorg mnari lagi best,,,power n mantap...
lagu2 dorg yg ak minat mcm lagu....
bonamana,sorry2,wonder boys,no other..
nie plak ak nk tnjuk plak pasl kumplan shinee plak..
kmplan dorg nie x la rmai mcm suju...
dorg nie ad lima je ahli kmpaln dorg....
n sume comel2 n mda2...
sape2 yg nk cari pkwe 2 leh la plih yg mane bkenan..
nie la dorg.....

kan2,,,sumenya comel2 kan...
lau korg free layan la lagu2 dorg nie...
ad lagu2 best macm..
stand by me,ring ding dong,hello,lucifer n banyk lagi la...

nie plak pasal kmpulan pompuan nie...
first tme tgk video lagu dorg tros eje ak minat kmpulan dorg nie...
kmplan dorg nie ad 9 org lau x slap ak la...
sumenya cun2 n comel...
x caya???
jom tgk gmbr2 dorg...

ermmmm..btol x ckap ak...
dorg sume cun2 n comel kan??
lau bkenan 2 jinak2 kan la diri korg dgr lagu n layan video dorg nie...
lagu dorg besh2..macm lagu2 nie..
chocolate love,hoot,gee,n cabi song..
so lyan la ea...

sememangnya bnyk lagu artis korea yg ak minat..
tp nie je yg ak nk tnjuk dlu kat korg....
so enjoy la dgar muzik,video.drama, n ape2 je la yg bkaitan pasal korea ea....

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Maher Zain_Alhamdulillah

I was so far from you
Yet to me you were always so close
I wandered lost in the dark
I closed my eyes toward the signs
You put in my way
I walked everyday
Further and further away from you
Ooooo Allah, you brought me home
I thank You with every breath I take.
Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah
Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah.
I never thought about
All the things you have given to me
I never thanked you once
I was too proud to see the truth
And prostrate to you
Until I took the first step
And that’s when you opened the doors for me
Now Allah, I realized what I was missing
By being far from you.
Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah
Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah.
Allah, I wanna thank You
I wanna thank you for all the things that you’ve done
You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
And did you give me hope
O Allah, I wanna thank you
I wanna thank You for all the things that you’ve done
You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
I wanna thank You for bringing me home
Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah
Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Lab Session

arinie pg2 lg ak da pg klas..smngt la katakan...
arnie ktorg sume blaja wat blog...
best asenya ble dh ad blog nie...
sng skit nk stoty pape or mslah kat cnie...
Tak pernah ku fahami ertimu padaku
Tak pernah ku mengerti hadirmu untukku
Rasa yang pernah kau bagi
Cinta yang telah kau beri
Setelah ku terjatuh baru ku sedari
Betapa kau kekasih hingga hujung hati
Rasa yang setia menanti
Cinta yang tak akan pergi
Menyesal ku akui tak terima cintamu
Dan kini engkau pergi meninggalkan hidupku
Terlambat ku akui berertinya dirimu
Kerna hanya dirimu sambut cinta
Penawar peritku
Hanya dirimu
Tulus cintaku
Menyesal ku akui tak terima cintamu
Dan kini engkau pergi meninggalkan hidupku
Menyesal ku akui tak terima cintamu
Dan kini engkau pergi meninggalkan hidupku
Terlambat ku akui berertinya dirimu
Kerna hanya dirimu
Sanggup cinta penawar peritku
Sanggup cinta pengusap tangisku